Sunday, December 2, 2018

Goodbye Son, Maybe Hello a Possible Homesite?

Tomorrow, we move my son to his grandma's house. He is there now and will come back in the morning to help us pack up the rest of his stuff to go. He was supposed to come back tonight, however, the truck that he and his dad decided he HAD to have has had nothing but problems. Which is not my problem. He will come back in the morning to help us load and move the rest.

The insurance has declared my husband at fault for the accident. After telling us that they do not rely on the police statement for a decision, they informed us that based on the police report, not eye witnesses, he is at fault. So we are liable for all of the damage. 👿 That makes me not happy.

We are not going to buy the land and put the house on it. We were given a quote about a month ago and that is what we were working with. The guy that we were working with no longer works with the company (retired due to health reasons is what he told us when we texted him). When we went back in to talk about the upgrades that we wanted and all that, the quote came in almost $20,000 higher that what we were expecting as the base price was "suddenly" about $18,000 higher than originally quoted. NO DEAL.

We have been looking at some different properties. There does not seem to be a lot out there in our price range. We know what we are willing to pay and so far it is limited. We did find one that we went to look at today. It definitely needs some improvement, but might be within reach. We have reached out to the owner for the questions that we have and are waiting to hear back from him. It is 11 acres of pretty much woods with some living space cleared and a little unfinished cabin on it. There are some pros and some cons with it. We need to talk to him and get some clarification on a few things, but it is a possibility.

What I miss is gardening. I miss being able to go outside and enjoy our yard without yard Nazis telling us what we can and cannot do. It is like having an HOA without the benefit of actually having someone make sure that everything looks ok. Which a garden should look ok. Plants should look ok. What we both really want is to be able to plant what we want without anyone telling us we can't. It's not like we want to plant some weird stuff that makes a place look awful, like bamboo.

We will get out of the trailer park. That is obviously our end goal. That being said, we won't do it blindly or stupidly. We will pursue every avenue available to us. And we will question and second check every option until we find exactly what we are looking for. I know that we both feel that it is really important that we get out of here before it is too late. It won't be by a stupid decision, though.

I want to have a big garden that I can actually preserve a lot of stuff. I want to have chickens so that we can have fresh eggs, and meat :). I want to have some other livestock, be it rabbits, goats or cattle. I want to have to room to spread out when we are outdoors. I want my dog to be able to run around and not in a small fenced in area. I would really like for my husband to be able to shoot a deer off of  the porch. 😀 I just want some land we can call our own and not be dictated what we can have or do.

So far, the last few days we have been at work. My work is having an unprecedented turnover rate so my hours have increased a lot. We have not gotten a lot done here as it is dark when we both get home.

What kind of things do you get done when it is dark outside by the time you get home? Do you have a way of lighting things outside or do you just work indoors?

How are you all doing? What is going on in your life?

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Have You Checked Your Insurance? And the Homesite

Well, this shit is pissing me off. I have been trying to answer comments and am not able to. I have started a post a couple of times and it kicks me out and loses what I have typed and pictures I have uploaded. So I shall try yet again.

We are ok. We have picked out the house we want with the upgrades that we want. We have hopefully found the land that we can get. My son is moving out on the third of December, whether he likes it or not. I am renting a truck and moving all his stuff to his grandmothers and she can deal with/have him. Which now we have to rent a truck since we don't have one to drive out of town. See below...

Oh... And my husband was in a car wreck. He is ok. The gal he was forced into is ok. The guy who T-boned him is ok. The gal he was run in to is ok and we know this because it is a gal my husband works with who was there when I was there. We have both talked to her and she didn't get any injuries. My husband had a bruise on his elbow, but no other injuries. The somedude that hit him, well he said he wasn't hurt, but that really isn't my concern. The truck:

I realize it may not look like much, but the entire truck bed shifted, the frame was bent, and the cab frame was bent. All because somedude was in a hurry and driving too fast. I am just super-duper-over-the-moon happy that my husband wasn't hurt and that somedude hit the passenger side of my husband's truck instead of the driver's side of the car that the gal he works with was in. That might have been really bad. And she is a really good person. Here is somedude's car:

Fortunately, we have good insurance. They have taken good care of us.

Speaking of which... When was the last time you looked over your insurance? Have you checked your coverage? Your deductibles? What is covered in a loss? Do you have access to your information if you cannot get into your filing cabinet? (You do have a filing cabinet to keep track of info, right?)

Life happens just like I said in my last post. Be thankful for what do have while you have it.

Anyway... The house and land. We found two properties that would be acceptable to us. Both are out in the boonies. Like 20-25 minutes from the nearest gas station, let alone a store or anything else. Exactly what we are looking for. One is ok for a traditional loan based on acreage. The other one we are looking at a farm loan because there is more acreage. Which will obviously be our preference. We will talk to the real estate agent and the farm loan folks on Monday to see where we stand. We are really hoping we can make a deal and get the larger plot of land.

We are both really excited to get into our own place. We do realize that the process may make us want to pull our hair out at times, but knowing that we will have our own home and land makes all of everything coming worth it. Our dreams about our future and what we want and what we want to grow and the ability to put up a shed without the shed Nazis coming down on us is a wonderful incentive to put up with whatever is coming our way.

And did I mention having central heat? I haven't had that for years. Neither has my husband. We want to be spoiled again. Even if it doesn't last because of (whatever, SHTF, etc.), central heat will be nice so we don't have to fill the kerosene heaters. I don't even care if it is for a short period of time. I will be glad to come home and the house be warm when I come in. Same for summer. It will be nice to know that the air is running and is constant throughout the house instead of one room is cool and the rest is an oven. We will be sooooooooo glad to get out of this trailer and trailer park.

So far this has worked and hasn't disappeared. Stand by for more updates...