Saturday, June 9, 2018

Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts about where we are in life.

I still have my snarky teenager at home. I did finally pull him from the public school. At the end of his 11th grade year last year, I pulled him out of school. I tried homeschooling him personally, but with our tense relationship, getting him to accomplish anything was a big struggle. I enrolled him in an online school at the beginning of this year. He is actually accomplishing it. Slowly, as he hates anything related to school. He will be done in a couple of weeks and be an official graduate. He says he wants to join the military. The Marines. Wow! What a complete turnaround in his attitude. I am not sure if he will actually sign up, but he says he wants to. He has already gone and talked to the recruiter even.  I hope he does follow through with this as he really does better with structured routines. (Don't we all?) I do dread the day they send him off. I'll be super proud, but worried none-the-less.

We added a dog to our household. A "Scary Pit Bull"! I sent a picture to my sister after we got him and the first response she had was "Oh he looks scary!" Yeah, I don't think so.  Course, I'm not afraid of dogs. He's about 60 pounds now and just loves life. When we first got him from the shelter, he had been there a little over two months and seemed nervous about everything. Cowered at the slightest movement, flinched when we would reach to pet him and never wagged his tail. Boy, what a change in the past couple of months. He's now full of life and a happy, friendly, tail-waggin dog. He does have some idiosyncrasies, though. He does not like to walk on tile, linoleum or concrete floors. It's really kind of funny to watch him tiptoe through the kitchen. Also, he will chase a ball all over inside the house, but not a bit outside. He just watches the ball go flying and then looks at me like "so what?". So I play fetch! 😀

I have a job now. Not in my field (accounting) and I am happier for it. I work at a garden center one or two days a week. I can share my love of digging in the dirt and gardening with all the folks who come in. It has been enlightening to talk to all the folks who are focusing on edible landscape and planting fruit and nut trees and all kinds of berry bushes. I'm glad the folks in my neck of the woods are growing their own!

My husband is still at his same job. He received a promotion and is finally being challenged again. He had a meeting with the President, Gen. Manager, and some other middle management a few days ago. The promotion they gave him was a pilot position to see if they needed to add the position to several of the other locations. (They have about 20 total locations although some are just satellite locations with no actual buildings.) They told him as he progresses the job, there is room for more advancement. As long as it makes him happy, I will support whatever he chooses.

I've also learned a few things about being prepared. Little things that I don't really recall reading or hearing anywhere else. Probably is out there, I just didn't see it. Or don't remember seeing it. Either way, have had a few problems crop up that I will be sharing with you.

We have also started changing our diets. We still eat a lot of the same stuff, we are just making as much home made as possible. I have found that not eating out and cutting out the prepackaged foods out of our diets has made me feel a lot better. I don't get headaches like I used to. My gut issues have almost entirely faded away. I just feel better all around. We watched a documentary called The Magic Pill a few weeks ago. I recommend it. We are now cutting as much sugar out of our diets as possible. This is a new change so it remains to be seen how this change will affect us. I may end up giving up coffee completely as I don't care for it without sugar and cream. I also never realized how many products have sugar in them. Even tomato sauce! Why? Good thing I like to cook!

That's all for now as I have to go to work in just a bit and still need to walk the dog.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Came here via Knuckledraggin and read your comment about wanting to get out of there and wondered if you meant just the park itself or out of the area altogether?

  2. Just the trailer park. We like the county we live in. We have had good luck with the police and courts in this area (we have had a lot of contact with them, long story that I may share if anyone has an interest), and all of the people that we do have contact with. We are not opposed to moving elsewhere. We figure we are about a year plus from purchasing and we are looking at a variety of areas, although all areas still in TN. Preferably in our county, but definitely open to finding what we are looking for.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. That's what I figured but just wanted to make sure...
